Workplaces are not safe. Despite health and safety laws and health and safety mandated training, in 2022 in Canada, 993 workers were killed while on the job because of unsafe working conditions. In 2022, there were 993 recorded fatalities on the job in Canada! About 15 years ago, the labour movement developed a campaign, Kill a Worker Go to Jail! While there were some improvements in sentencing employers for causing injury and death, not much have changed since. The number of workplace fatalities is higher in 2022 than 2020.

Mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living. (Mother Jones)
Every year, on April 28th, workers commemorate those who lost their lives on the job with the resolve to keep fighting for the safety of their working conditions. The Niagara Regional Labour Council holds annual ceremonies at 10 locations in the region. We encourage our members to visit any of them on April 28th.