2025 Election Information

This year will see voting for positions done through the SimplyVoting platform.

Members in Good Standing (as of March 18 @ 5:30 pm) will receive ballots for some of the elections on Wednesday, March 19 around 5:30 pm. Those elections will be open for 48 hours.

Due to members running for more than one position, elections had to be staggered to accommodate for this. The following elections will happen on March 19:
– Vice President, Unit 1
– Vice President, Grad Students
– Vice President, Instructors
– Trustee (term ending April 30, 2028)
– Delegate to Niagara Regional Labour Council

A second group of ballots will be sent out to Members in Good Standing around Friday, March 21 around 6:00 pm. Once again, the elections will be open for another 48 hours.

If a third group of ballots are needed, they will be sent out on Monday, March 24. If a fourth group of ballots are needed, they will be sent out on Wednesday, March 26.soon

VP Unit 1 Candidates

Morgan Crosby

Hi, I am Morgan Crosby, my pronouns are she/her, and I am running to be your Vice-President Unit 1! I have previously held a position on the executive as your VP Unit 1 and worked hard to successfully involve graduate students and build connections within our local. I joined the union during my second week at Brock as a graduate student and a TA in women’s and gender studies in 2022. As your VP Unit 1, I will work to create an accessible union where all members are well-versed in their rights as workers and as union members. When I was co-chair of the Young Workers committee, I worked to engage more young workers in union spaces and fight back against the challenges that they are facing. When it was announced that Brock was cutting funding to MRP students I organized with other students I knew to ensure that our concerns were heard. I spoke at the State of the University Address, to Senate and to the Board of Trustees. We were able to successfully reverse the decision made by the university and I promise I will bring this same energy into mobilization for bargaining support and standing up for Unit 1 members needs. As your VP Unit 1, I will continue to represent and engage our members. This includes member-informed strategic planning, executive and member education and training so we can build our skills and confidence in our union roles, transparent and clear communication from the union executive to the membership, and fostering safe and open environments for productive dialogue and true union democracy. If you elect me as your VP Unit 1, I will dedicate myself to fighting for you to get what we deserve in the workplace and beyond.

Ben Johnson – Poster here

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Thank you for making an informed vote! My name is Ben Johnson. I’m a TA in CHYS/EDUC. As a current Vice-President as well as a Unit 1 Bargaining Committee member, I have the tools necessary to continue serving the Local. Passionate about making a difference in the community, I’ve kept busy the past few years being involved in 4207. I’ve summarized my accomplishments below.
Key Experience:
CUPE 4207 Executive: Vice-President, Graduate Students 2024-25
-Recruited many graduate students to be members in good standing.
-Co-Chair, Graduate Student Committee (developed engagement plan in ways relevant to students’ research)
-Collaborated with Graduate Students’ Association (GSA)
-Advocating for Young Workers through developing a resolution that establishes a Young Worker trustee position.
-Kept executive committee informed about business transpiring at Brock Senate and the Board of Trustees.
Training: CUPE Local Executive Training (full week training), Parliamentary Procedure, Steward Training
CUPE National, CUPE Ontario, Young Ontario Workers, OUWCC (University Sector)
Additional Experience:
-CUPE 4207 Recording Secretary 2023-24
-Unit 1 Bargaining Committee Member
-President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity, and Decolonization (PACHRED):
-Co-Chair, PACHRED Employment Equity Working Group
-PACHRED Anti-Ableism and Mental Health Working Group
-Co-Chair, Young Worker Committee (passed support for young worker trustee resolution)
-Member, Bylaw/Finance/Policy Committee (brought forward various clarity-related Bylaw amendments)
-Co-Chair, Political Action and International Solidarity Committee
-Brock Student Union Board of Directors: developed various transparency-related motions/policy amendments
-Golden Key International Council of Student Leaders Canada Representative: developed a student engagement plan
-Brock Student Senator
-Brock Student Appeals Board
-Chair, Brock Student Union Governance Committee
-PSYC Department Student Representative
-CHYS Department Graduate Student Representative
-Faculty of Social Sciences Student Ambassador
-GSA Program Representative
I’d appreciate your vote and continued support!

Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso – Poster here

Hello everyone, My name is Kay Waboso. I am a PhD candidate in CHYS and an
Instructor in SPMA.
I am seeking your vote for VP Unit one. Within this role, I strongly believe that it is
important to advocate for the interest of the member as related to bargaining, advocacy
and other more general initiatives. It is within the role to ensure that fair working
conditions are prioritized, as well as fair bargaining and negotiating in all things that
represent the best interest of CUPE 4207 membership.
Within this role, I would also prioritize being the connecting piece between the voice of
the membership, the president and executive membership. To this eOect, I will say that I
have solid and well-grounded relationships across the Brock U eco system that fore
ground facilitating the ease and flow of relevant information.
I am also a very outgoing and approachable person. I value relationships and social
connections. Anyone who knows me can vouch for this fact. Finally, I consider myself to
be open minded and not rigid in thought or deed. This is important to this role, where
there is the potential to engage with students, faculty and staO from all walks of life. And
they all deserve to feel seen and heard, free from bias or stigma.
Being a woman of color myself, I am sensitive to the experience of stigma and work very
hard to thwart discrimination at any opportunity. It is important that our executive
committee continue to strive towards diverse representation, and I strongly believe that
a vote for me is a strong, confident progressive vote.
Thank you for your consideration, Kay Waboso.

VP Grad Studies

Kendra-Lee Dupuis

No Submission

Hazel Gifford

Hello! My name is Hazel Gifford, I use she/her pronouns, and I am in my first year of graduate studies here at Brock University, studying time and causality in the Physics department. I am running for two positions, the VP of Graduate Studies and the Treasurer, both of which would present exciting new opportunities, and which I could bring my unique skill set to improve. As the VPGS, I would endeavor to make the union more accessible to newcomers, which I would be especially suited for as a newcomer myself, and I would boost engagement by supporting what graduate students care about most – their research. Developing presentations and learning how to do grant writing are both skills that are well developed in a union environment, and I would seek to make union engagement beneficial to graduate students’ careers. As the Treasurer, I would seek transparency, and ensure that the union’s role as an economic engine is clearly communicated, so that collective decisions are informed decisions. I am certainly capable of the mathematics involved, but more importantly, I am experienced with highlighting the important details of complex data sets, in order to make them easily legible, while still maintaining the detail that would allow others to follow along, and check my work. In a democratic organization, and especially one that is centered upon a university, this would be a vital asset that I can provide. If granted either position, I would be honoured, and would work my hardest to benefit our community.

VP Instructors

Tracy Kennedy – Poster here

My name is Tracy Kennedy, and I have been an Instructor at Brock for 23 years and a TA for 26 years. I have taught in six departments at Brock and at four universities across Ontario. I have served in multiple CUPE 4207 Executive roles, including VP1 Instructors. I helped create the VP U1 Instructors position to ensure Instructors have a voice in our union. Currently, I serve as VP Unit 1, U1 Bargaining Committee Chair, Co-Chair of the Bylaw Committee, and Recording Secretary for the Niagara CUPE Council.

I am running for VP Unit 1 Instructors again because I know firsthand the challenges we face – precarious contracts, unpredictable workloads, and limited job security. I have been a vocal advocate for Instructors and a proven leader in negotiations. In my time on the Bargaining Committee, I fought to protect Instructor’s Intellectual Property rights over their content and secure teaching opportunities for PhD students to help build their CVs.

Because of my extensive Union and teaching experience, I feel that I am the right person to set up the Union’s new Education program. If elected, I will commit to:

  • Empowering members with educational workshops on wages, benefits, pensions, job security, and more.
  • Strengthening our union by supporting Executives, Trustees, and Committees with training and resources.
  • Championing equity and inclusion, organizing Anti-Oppression Training and Steward Learning workshops.
  • Advocating for professional development, ensuring members receive institutional support for CVs, dossiers, Brightspace, SharePoint, and Workday.

I am a dedicated, hardworking advocate for CUPE 4207 members. By voting for me, you are choosing experience, leadership, and action. When you understand our rights, you are better equipped to defend them. Together, we can build a more engaged, informed, and united membership.

Elizabeth D’Angelo

Thank you for the nomination, and thank you for having given me the opportunity to be your current VP of Instructors. I ask that you re-elect me so that I can use what I have learned over the year to further engage our part-time instructors. I have tried to organize a “snack and chat” for our instructors to get to know each other and also discuss their experiences and concerns as well as better understand our role as a union. In trying to do this, it was very sad, though eye opening, to hear that most of them said they would not be interested because they are hardly ever on campus and don’t feel a connection to the university or CUPE 4207. Now that I know this, I will work in a different way to address this disconnect. For example, I will send more e-mail communication and create virtual meet-and-greet events. It is very important that we engage with our part-time instructors and help them feel that they are an important voice in our local. If you elect me, I will work diligently to establish a strong fruitful connection with our part-time instructors. I will approach this position from an intersectional perspective so as to ensure that all our members are heard, seen and valued.


Darrin Sunstrum

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

Darrin Sunstrum here – I am running for the position of Treasurer of Local 4207. As current Treasurer I have learned a great deal about this wonderful academic local, its hard working Elected Officers and dedicated members. I have managed the financial administration of the local now since 2022 and with the help of two Presidents we have grown our membership significantly. As we grow I have created the underlying framework that was needed to accommodate the success of this growing local. I have taken the Local through 3 successful audits. In the process I have created all our current record keeping and financial tracking systems. As Treasurer I have developed practices that conform to all aspects of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and have stewarded the locals finances through new banking partners as well as developing and implementing the locals current budgets and all Capital Investments. I am committed to seeing the local grow and succeed. With that in mind I am also a member of the Benefits Committee as well as the Chair of the Policy Bylaw & Finance Committee, both of these commitments I see as essential aspects of my position and responsibilities as Treasurer.

So I ask for your support and look forward to recommitting my efforts as your Treasurer once again. Here’s to the future – let’s build it together. In Solidarity – Darrin.

Hazel Gifford

Hello! My name is Hazel Gifford, I use she/her pronouns, and I am in my first year of graduate studies here at Brock University, studying time and causality in the Physics department. I am running for two positions, the VP of Graduate Studies and the Treasurer, both of which would present exciting new opportunities, and which I could bring my unique skill set to improve. As the VPGS, I would endeavor to make the union more accessible to newcomers, which I would be especially suited for as a newcomer myself, and I would boost engagement by supporting what graduate students care about most – their research. Developing presentations and learning how to do grant writing are both skills that are well developed in a union environment, and I would seek to make union engagement beneficial to graduate students’ careers. As the Treasurer, I would seek transparency, and ensure that the union’s role as an economic engine is clearly communicated, so that collective decisions are informed decisions. I am certainly capable of the mathematics involved, but more importantly, I am experienced with highlighting the important details of complex data sets, in order to make them easily legible, while still maintaining the detail that would allow others to follow along, and check my work. In a democratic organization, and especially one that is centered upon a university, this would be a vital asset that I can provide. If granted either position, I would be honoured, and would work my hardest to benefit our community.

Recording Secretary

Karen Hofman

Greetings co-workers,

I work as a TA in Sociology and Labour Studies. Last year I was elected to hold the position of Recording Secretary and now I’m taking the chance to run for it again. Being the Recording Secretary of the union is a hard job; it is necessary for the maintenance of the union and hence the work often passes as invisible. It takes some time to settle in the know and the steady flow of the position that ranges from gathering information for and assembling meeting packages, taking minutes of meetings, distributing them to members, registering delegates for conventions, booking accommodations and meeting rooms, procuring office supplies, and ordering food for every GMM and a variety of union events. This is just an example of some of the responsibilities. And there is more. Labour union activism.

We the workers share interests concerning our working conditions. Our local’s three units enter collective bargaining in the summer. The context is quite nefarious. Brock joined the budget cutting frenzy in post-secondary that affects our work, research and study. Although our job designations may differ, we have much in common and we need to stand united in the push against this development. I walk my talk. In the past I held various positions in our union and kept consistent activism through the Political Action and International Solidarity Committee. I initiate and co-organize many events on campus such as the upcoming All Union Luncheon on April 1, that intends to bring together Brock workers in solidarity against the current devastating effects of budget cuts. Our working conditions are the students’ working conditions. As an Executive Committee member, I am committed to growing our local stronger and to connect us to the broader labour movement. Thank you for considering!

In solidarity,

Karen Hofman

Ben Johnson – Poster Here

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Thank you for making an informed vote! My name is Ben Johnson. I’m a TA in CHYS/EDUC. As the previous Recording Secretary, I have the tools necessary to continue serving the Local. Passionate about making a difference in the community, I’ve kept busy the past few years being involved in 4207. I’ve summarized my accomplishments below.

Key Experience:
CUPE 4207 Executive Recording Secretary 2023-24
-Created accessible documentation for the local
-Kept detailed, impartial minutes of meetings
-Kept executive committee informed about business transpiring at Brock Senate and the Board of Trustees.
CUPE 4207: Vice-President, Graduate Students 2024-25
-Recruited many graduate students to be members in good standing.
-Co-Chair, Graduate Student Committee (developed engagement plan in ways relevant to students’ research)
-Collaborated with GSA
-Advocating for Young Workers through developing a resolution that establishes a Young Worker trustee position.
Training: CUPE Local Executive Training (full week training), Parliamentary Procedure, Steward Training
CUPE National, CUPE Ontario, Young Ontario Workers, OUWCC (University Sector)
Additional Experience:
-Unit 1 Bargaining Committee Member
-President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity, and Decolonization (PACHRED):
-Co-Chair, PACHRED Employment Equity Working Group
-PACHRED Anti-Ableism and Mental Health Working Group
-Co-Chair, Young Worker Committee (passed support for young worker trustee resolution)
-Member, Bylaw/Finance/Policy Committee (brought forward various clarity-related Bylaw amendments)
-Co-Chair, Political Action and International Solidarity Committee
-Brock Student Union Board of Directors: developed various transparency-related motions/policy amendments
-Golden Key International Council of Student Leaders Canada Representative: developed a student engagement plan
-Brock Student Senator
-Brock Student Appeals Board
-Chair, Brock Student Union Governance Committee
-PSYC Department Student Representative
-CHYS Department Graduate Student Representative
-Faculty of Social Sciences Student Ambassador
-GSA Program Representative
I’d appreciate your vote and continued support!

Outreach Officer

Dan Barnowski

I dove straight into the union learning taking several course and learning various jobs.  In my capacity as the Outreach Officer I worked to create unique posts for our social media and maintain the website as our central hub for information and events. I crafted the mailouts and worked to drive member engagement, adding a pets sections and informing members about education. I worked to foster solidarity with the board game socials and connect members to events like the Ice Dogs night and the Drama departments play series.  Connecting our members to the community and to Brock is a priority for me. I would like the opportunity to bring more events to our members.

 I have worked with stewards and department allies to meet members in each department. The main theme of my work as the MOO is to meet members where they are. I worked to order new swag for our members and created a new display flag. I believe we need to continue reaching out starting with orientation and being a continued presence in the lives of our members. The union should not feel like something that happens to our members but something they are a part of.

There is still much to be done to enhance our visibility on campus. In the coming year, our outreach officer will play a crucial role in keeping members informed as we negotiate with the employer. It will be essential to ensure that members understand their responsibilities and know where to access key information. Additionally, maintaining high morale will be important, and I want to take an active role in making that happen.

I would appreciate your support to continue in this important role for the union.

Thank you.

Tracy Kennedy – Poster here

As a long-time Instructor at Brock for 23 years and a TA for 26 years, I have been an active CUPE 4207 member, serving in multiple leadership roles, including current VP Unit 1, Bargaining Committee Chair, Co-Chair of the Bylaw Committee, and Recording Secretary for the Niagara District CUPE Council.

I have previously served as Outreach Officer, giving me the experience and knowledge needed to effectively manage communications, engage members, and strengthen our union’s presence. With my extensive background in media platforms and social media, I understand how to create and deliver content that keeps members informed, connected, and involved. Additionally, I have a proven ability to build positive relationships and network across the university and broader community, ensuring our Union remains visible, respected, and well-supported.

If elected, I will:

  • Maintain and enhance our website to keep members updated on union news, bargaining updates, and key resources.
  • Revitalize the CUPE 4207 newsletter, ensuring consistent and engaging communication.
  • Organize and promote social events that build solidarity and a strong community within our union.
  • Order promotional items that help members show union pride.
  • Keep campus bulletin boards updated, ensuring clear and visible communication across all units.
  • Mobilize members by working with Lead Stewards, Stewards’ Council, and Vice Presidents to strengthen our collective voice.
  • Champion equity and inclusion, sitting on the Equity Committee and assisting the Equity Officer in promoting key initiatives.

I am always looking for new and innovative ways to reach and engage members, whether through expanded digital platforms, creative outreach strategies, or in-person initiatives that strengthen our union’s presence and involvement. With my experience, media expertise, and deep commitment to CUPE 4207, I am ready to enhance our outreach, strengthen communications, and build an even more engaged membership.

Equity Officer

Elizabeth D’Angelo

Thank you for the nomination! As some of you know, I was your equity officer many years ago, and while I greatly appreciate the opportunity to be your equity officer once again, I do want to commend our current equity officer on their great work. If you elect me, I will take on tasks such as ensuring greater visibility and a strong campus presence for the equity committee and CUPE 4207 as a whole; especially in regard to Indigenous solidarity action and allyship. As the equity officer, I will work closely with people such as Dr. Robyn Bourgoise to build strong allyship and advocacy. I have also been on PACHRED and will bring the skills that I have learned in this role, to our members. I will continue to work on updating our recognition of territory statement and work towards getting our sub-committees meeting and strategizing on a regular basis. We are stronger when we work together!

Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso – Poster here

Hello everyone, My name is Kay Waboso. I am a PhD candidate in CHYS and an Instructor in SPMA. I am honored to have held the role of Equity Officer this past year. Here are some of the things I consider to be important within this role. The equity officer is responsible for promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, in the spirit of social justice and equity across all aspects the institution.
During my tenure, I was led to a focus on Policy Development and implementation. For example, I am currently working on developing an Equity Statement, with the support of CUPE ON figures responsible for Human Rights & Anti-Racism. Within this vein, I have also been collaborating with the ODice of Human Rights & Equity (HRE) to develop an African Canadian Ancestral Acknowledgment that will be used to represent Brock on all fronts.
Moreover, I have worked hard to create meaningful relationships with equity and antiracism officers at CUPE ON & National, which is also meaningful in terms of networking and connecting ourselves to larger initiatives aimed at social justice and equity. As a scholar myself, I hold a high value for knowledge mobilization and have always prioritized sharing knowledge and information regarding educational initiatives for
members to take advantage of. It is always important to empower members with the
knowledge of progressive initiatives.
I value that my presence on the executive committee gave voice to a woman of color,
which is important and in the spirit of this transformative work. Finally, I believe that it is
of continued importance to have insider status when doing the work to interrogate and
deconstruct the conditions that maintain systems of oppression. I have insider status in
being from an equity deserving group and I would like to continue the work I began.
Respectfully and In Solidarity. Kay Waboso.

Steph Kravcik

As a Brock student, an educator, and a mother, I am on a mission to achieve equity and fairness for all. Many people are not receiving the recognition and opportunities they deserve, and I am offering my multidisciplinary understanding of intersectional hardships to address this discrepancy. As a student with minors in sociology and gender studies, and as an educator in child and youth and psychology studies, I feel empowered to tackle this role and fight for fairness for students and faculty alike. In taking Brock’s gender studies activism course, I now understand that I have the power to create change, and that my voice makes a difference, even if it’s the only one. This course encouraged me to pursue the things I believe in, and it is my mission to make this world a better place, especially in such a turbulent political era. As a person with an invisible disability, I have seen firsthand some of the differential treatment and hardships we face, which is amplified by my experience as a mother to a beautiful, vibrant, nonverbal child with autism who at 4 years old, still doesn’t receive the equity she deserves. I am privileged in many ways and recognize that there are many experiences more challenging than my own, thus I plan to put extra effort into ensuring I adequately understand others’ experiences so that I can amplify their voices, leading to greater solidarity and the dissolution of problematic, oppressive structures. To support my role as Equity Officer, I have registered for CUPE’s anti-racism, anti-harassment, and bystander training as well as the allyship and duty of fair representation training which will be completed by June 7th. I appreciate your consideration for this important union role and will continue to be the megaphone for all unheard voices.

Health & Safety Officer

Steph Kravcik

As a budding health and safety activist, I understand it will take a tremendous effort to ensure our university is safe for staff and students to continue their hard work worry-free. Before becoming a part of CUPE, I had minimal experience identifying potential hazards through WHMIS and other trainings, which encouraged me to focus on what hazards might remain unnoticed and therefore, unresolved. As I became more involved with CUPE, I was encouraged to take the union health and safety training in January. Akin to my endeavours with the equity committee, this training made me realize that there are still many hazards that remain unrecognized, and that we must pay more attention to them for our collective team’s wellness, and that of the student body. Mikko, Phil, and Dan have all been supportive of my interest in ensuring we make our workspace the safest possible; as a result, I completed my Level 1 health and safety training last week and plan to pursue additional trainings over the next 2 months. In contrast to my previous training, CUPE’s level 1 training offered an alternate approach to maintaining health and safety, highlighting structural and management issues rather than simply blaming the worker for their injuries. To ensure I have a full understanding of health and safety, I have registered for supervisor training alongside several other mini-workshops – psychosocial hazards, critical incidents, and workplace violence and harassment are all areas that might not receive the attention they need. My passion for mental health and wellness encourages me to integrate these trainings into our present health and safety infrastructure, with intent to maintain open communication between staff and students if they are concerned about their safety. I am thankful for the opportunities presented to me thus far and appreciate your consideration.

Dan Barnowski

This year I worked as the Deputy H&S officer. After being elected, I worked hard to learn the position. During this role I have attended all the Joint Health and Safety meetings and completed two inspections of areas of the campus. I have committed about 25 hours of training for this position and will complete 16 more in April. I am waiting on First Aid training from the employer and will complete that to become a First Aid warden on campus. I have done both employer and union training, focusing on both perspectives of this role. I am used to running meetings for the union and feel confident bringing a strong discussion of our health concerns. If I am elected, I will work hard to reach out to understand the specific concerns of our members. We have sent out a health and safety survey and I would like to make this a yearly event. I want to help our members feel comfortable and safe on campus and will work with the membership to do just that whether it be mental health, ergonomic strain, slip and work with chemicals in the sciences. I would be happy to represent your health and safety concerns to our employer and help shape our policies and procedures.

Again, I thank you for allowing me to learn with this position and I seek your approval to continue learning to improve our conditions working conditions at Brock. Thank you.

Ben Johnson – Poster Here

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Thank you for making an informed vote! My name is Ben Johnson. I’m a TA in CHYS/EDUC. As a 2-time 4207 executive, I have the tools necessary to continue serving the Local. Passionate about making a difference in the community, I’ve kept busy the past few years being involved in 4207. I’ve summarized my accomplishments below.

Key Experience:
CUPE 4207 Executive Recording Secretary 2023-24
-Created accessible documentation for the local
-Kept detailed, impartial minutes of meetings
-Kept executive committee informed about business transpiring at Brock Senate and the Board of Trustees.
CUPE 4207: Vice-President, Graduate Students 2024-25
-Recruited many graduate students to be members in good standing.
-Co-Chair, Graduate Student Committee (developed engagement plan in ways relevant to students’ research)
-Collaborated with GSA
-Advocating for Young Workers through developing a resolution that establishes a Young Worker trustee position.
Training: CUPE Local Executive Training (full week training), Parliamentary Procedure, Steward Training
CUPE National, CUPE Ontario, Young Ontario Workers, OUWCC (University Sector)
Additional Experience:
-Unit 1 Bargaining Committee Member
-President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity, and Decolonization (PACHRED):
-Co-Chair, PACHRED Employment Equity Working Group
-PACHRED Anti-Ableism and Mental Health Working Group
-Co-Chair, Young Worker Committee (passed support for young worker trustee resolution)
-Member, Bylaw/Finance/Policy Committee (brought forward various clarity-related Bylaw amendments)
-Co-Chair, Political Action and International Solidarity Committee
-Brock Student Senator
-Completed JHSC training
-Completed various accessibility audits
-As a past member of the Welland Soccer Club board of directors, I have experience examining health and safety related policy and intervening in confidential circumstances relating to workplace violence and harassment.
-Published research on the biopsychosocial health model.

I’d appreciate your vote and continued support!

Hamnah Shahid

I’m a PhD candidate and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Psychology, and I’m running for Health & Safety Officer.

Every year, we commemorate the National Day of Mourning for those who have lost their lives, suffered injuries, or contracted illnesses while on the job. This is a testament to the fact that workplace safety continues to be a site of struggle for workers. If we do not fight for the right to work without risking undue harm, the employer will not ensure our safety.

In particular, I want to highlight the importance of disability justice in our work. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the ways in which disabled workers are so often considered expendable. As an Executive Member of CUPE 4207, I will ensure that each and every one of our members is advocated for and supported, including centering our disabled members. This includes ensuring that all health and safety information that we receive, whether that’s from CUPE ON or the Niagara Health Coalition is disseminated to our broader membership in an accessible manner. Centering our disabled membership also includes ensuring that we, as Executive Members of CUPE 4207, support their priorities for change within the workplace.

As part of my previous labour activism with Justice for Workers, I have previously spoken to administrative members of Brock University to advocate for an improved paid sick day policy for all workers at the institution. As an Executive Member of our union, I will continue this work to ensure that our health is not sacrificed and, in particular, that the needs of our disabled workers are heard and supported.

We must care for and protect each other in the workplace. As Health & Safety Officer, I intend to care for and protect each and every one of you.

Deputy Health & Safety Officer

Steph Kravcik

As an active union member, I strive to meet the needs of every student and employee at Brock University, and I recognize the ongoing need for the maintenance and improvement of our present health and safety measures. Over the last few months, I have been immersed in increasing my awareness of potential hazards, which includes the completion of CUPE’s Level 1 training last Friday. This opportunity would be a great addition to my current list of planned training endeavours for the next few months. As Deputy, I will attend all health and safety meetings and offer my expertise and strong understanding of mental wellness; as we tend to focus on physical hazards in our environments, we don’t pay near enough attention to mental and emotional difficulties, which can include the obvious – suffering from a mental illness – and the not-so-obvious – seemingly never-ending stretches of intense work to meet deadlines, potential covert, questionable, and discomforting behaviours from fellow staff and students, and the effect pain can have on mental wellness. We spend long days sitting at our desks, marking papers, conducting research, and holding meetings. I’ve recently been paying more attention to ergonomics and am realizing the state of my own body is taking a toll on how I feel every day. I know that many of us hold similar sentiments, and my goal is to draw more attention to this facet of health and safety to create a well-rounded, strong approach to overall wellness. As Deputy, I plan to work in tandem with the Health and Safety Officer to develop new ways of ensuring we feel our best, because when we feel our best, we do our best work. I look forward to my future trainings in the health and safety realm and appreciate your consideration for this role.

Kendra-Lee Dupuis

No submission

Dan Barnowski

No submission/see above

Trustee (until 2028)

Tanima Ferdous

I, Tanima Ferdous, am honored to stand before you today as a candidate for the position of Trustee within our CUPE Local 4207 union. As a PhD student in Educational Studies, a TA, and also a Volunteer at Bridges Niagara, my professional experiences over 12 years across various international organizations in several countries, I bring a unique, global perspective grounded in dedication, accountability, and a deep commitment to collective progress. My experience not only highlights my adaptability and expertise but also my unwavering work ethic and devotion to seamlessly integrate into different cultural and professional environments.

I strongly believe in the principles of accountability, transparency, and responsible governance that are essential for work success. Having worked across different organizations, I have experienced the critical role unions play in protecting workers’ rights, ensuring fair labor practices, and fostering a strong sense of solidarity among members. I am seeking your support where we will collectively shape the future of our union and strengthen our commitment to rights, fairness, and solidarity. If I have the opportunity, I will collaborate with diverse teams, navigate institutional challenges, and advocate for structural improvements that benefit all stakeholders.

I believe a trustee’s role goes beyond oversight; it involves ensuring that the financial and operational decisions we make reflect the best interests of every member. It’s about safeguarding not just our resources, but the principles that unite us. As a Trustee, I will be dedicated to ensuring that our union remains financially sound, ethically governed, and focused on the needs of its members. I am eager to bring my expertise and passion for equity and solidarity to this role, working alongside fellow members to strengthen the union’s impact and uphold its core values.

Thank you for your time, trust, and commitment to our union.

Katia Benseba

No submission received

Delegate to Niagara Regional Labour Council

Hazel Gifford

No submission received

Steph Kravcik

In addition to my new role as a member of the Niagara District CUPE Council, I believe it is only fitting for me to take on the role as a member of the Regional Council. This role will develop a well-rounded understanding of the union, that I can channel into renewed efforts to maintain solidarity and take action on matters that mean the most to us as a community. I have taken the initiative to register for many trainings over the next few months to ensure I start the new union year off on the right foot and set myself up for future success, which includes bylaw specific training that is scheduled for tomorrow, and notetaking and grievance training next month. Membership on the Regional Council would offer a more practical experience to what I am already scheduled to learn; I fare much better with practical learning than I do with book-learning or lectures, so I believe this would be highly beneficial for me as I increase my involvement within the union. I appreciate your consideration and am thankful for this amazing opportunity.

Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso

I think I would be a good fit to represent on CUPE Council because I share a value for
working within a team on common issues such as community projects, political action
and the prioritization of high standards for public services. In particular centering and
prioritizing the voice and values of the 4207 membership.
I prioritize diverse multi-sector collaborations because I value diverse voices in any and
all situations. I am an active listener and also have the ability to center clear, concise
and articulate discussions. Both in general and within the role of advocacy.
I would wholly absorb myself within this role and I believe strongly that I would be good
at it in part due to my positive and cheerful disposition. It always important to center joy,
laughter and genuine intention, which is also part of what I bring to each and every table
I sit at.
Thank you for your consideration. Kay Waboso.