Unit 4

Clinical Nursing Instructors are distinguished by their exceptional expertise, compassionate care, and dedication to fostering the next generation of nurses. With diverse backgrounds spanning various specialties within the healthcare field, they bring a wealth of practical knowledge and real-world experience to the classroom.

These Instructors are not only educators but also mentors, guiding students through hands-on clinical experiences and theoretical coursework with precision and empathy. Their commitment to evidence-based practice and patient-centered care serves as a cornerstone for shaping well-rounded nursing professionals equipped to thrive in today’s dynamic healthcare landscape.

Read more about our Clinical Nursing Instructors joining CUPE 4207 as Unit 4.

Unit 4 Collective Agreement – PDF *NEW*

Unit 4 Seniority List – In Progress

Unit 4 BargainingThe current collective agreement expires: February 5, 2026

CNIs in the press:

April 12, 2024: https://brockpress.com/cupe-4207-solidarity-rally-raises-awareness-about-cnis-as-conciliation-extends-into-may/

April 3, 2024: https://brockpress.com/cupe-4207-protests-at-brock-in-solidarity-with-clinical-nursing-instructors/

Latest Updates

June 4th 2024

Two information sessions were held to go over the details of bargaining. CPI (Unit 4) voted in favour of the contract. We await managements ratification later this month.

May 28th Rally for Clinical Nursing Instructors

In a strong show of solidarity, the CNI workers were joined with members from BUFA,OSSTF 35, 4207 Units, CUPE 1295 and more. The BBQ was well attended and sent a clear message as a deal was made that day. Amazing hard work everyone, and a big thank you for those attending lending their voices. Signs created by Karen, Dan and Cas.

Being too far apart, the union applied for conciliation. Paul Pooler has been appointed as the Conciliation Officer. The conciliation meeting will happen on two days – April 4th and 5th. On the 4th will be a rally in support of the CNIs.

Your Bargaining Committee has been working on a CNI Compensation Comparison document of the 14 Schools of Nursing in Ontario Universities. Data has been compiled for 11 of the schools. Brock pays the lowest of the 11 schools and does not offer any benefits. Toronto Metropolitan University and Western pay DOUBLE what Brock does and provide comprehensive benefits.

A Strike Budget was presented and voted on at the March 5 Special GMM.

  • March 22 and 23 – Strike Committee meeting

The Strike Committee had their first meeting on March 11. The second meeting of the Strike Committee has been scheduled on two days March 22 and 23 to accommodate all CNIs. Register for the day that works best for you! All members of the union are invited!

February 20 and 21 – The CNIs vote 100% in support of strike mandate

We held a combination CNI Social and Bargaining Presentation on February 20th. It  was attended by 18 CNIs in-person and 3 on Zoom. The Strike Mandate Vote happened on two days February 20 and 21, with 100% of ballots being YES votes !

  • January 18, 2024

The Bargaining Committee met via Zoom on January 17. The composition of the committee has changed, as the Local has a new National rep who sits on the committee, Marie Cantwell.

Unit 4 Bargaining dates have been scheduled for February 14 and 28. Brock’s lead negotiator has indicated that Brock is going to counter with an Offer to Settle (OTS) and provide the OTS in advance of the February 14 meeting.

  • December 7, 2023

Unit 4 Bargaining Update

Dear CNI,
Your Bargaining Team met with the Employer yesterday. We had prepared to deliver a counterproposal on Employee Leaves at the beginning of the day.

During our pre-meeting, our discussions led us to abandoning that idea and moving in an entirely different direction. We let the Employer know that we needed some time to work on a new counterproposal.

What we presented to the Employer was our Wage Proposal. Our wage proposal reflects an hourly rate for contact time only and includes us not seeking Benefits during this round of bargaining. The Employer will respond to our counterproposal prior to the next Bargaining date.

Bargaining will continue in the new year. We are looking for bargaining dates in both January and in February.

In Solidarity,
Phil Wachel, CUPE 4207 President (on behalf of the Unit 4 Bargaining

Past updates

November 23 Update PDF

November 1 Update PDF

Bargaining Update – October 17

September 19th:

Clinical Nursing Instructors (CNIs) are the newest Unit. A Bargaining Committee was elected and the group have been Preparing for Bargaining during the Summer.

Bargaining Proposals were crafted after a Bargaining Survey went out to all CNIs.

September 13 will be spent finalizing Bargaining Proposals. The Local’s President and our National rep are also bargaining committee members who have been at many bargaining tables. The group expects to meet with the Employer some time in mid-October to begin negotiating a first collective agreement.

CNIs will want to attend the first GMM of the year, as the following Unit 4 positions are being elected: Vice President, Lead Steward for Unit 4, and Steward for Unit 4. Please reach out to Phil president@cupe4207.org about these positions.

Bargaining Priorities Update –  June 23

Preparing for Bargaining – May 12

Your unit 4 bargaining committee for 2023-2024!