Workers in Solidarity with Palestine

Teach-in: Workers in solidarity with Palestine

Join CUPE to learn how the Canadian labour movement can work in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Our webinar will address questions about the Palestinian struggle for liberation including:

  • The connections between settler colonialism in Canada and Palestine
  • The fight against anti-Palestinian racism and antisemitism
  • How trade unions can support a just and lasting peace in Palestine-Israel right now

We will hear from CUPE members with lived experience of the issues and invited guests.

  • Welcome from Mark Hancock, National President, and Candace Rennick, National Secretary-Treasurer
  • Ronnie Joy Leah, CUPE 3911
  • Hind Awwad, CUPE 1281
  • Terri Monture, Kanien’kehá:ka Wolf Clan from Six Nations of the Grand River Retired CUPE member
  • Kimalee Phillip, CUPE Human Rights
  • Moderated by Lisa Djevahirdjian, SCFP communication staff

When: Thursday, May 16 at 7:00 to 8:30 pm (EDT)

Register here

The webinar will be conducted in English with simultaneous French interpretation.

(We will be hosting a French language webinar in June. Stay tuned for more information!)

ASL interpretation provided

Live captioning provided

This webinar is directed at CUPE members but family and friends are welcomed to join!

Webinaire : Faire preuve de solidarité envers la Palestine

Joignez-vous au SCFP pour apprendre comment le mouvement syndical canadien peut se montrer solidaire du peuple palestinien.   

Notre webinaire portera sur différentes questions liées à la lutte pour la libération de la Palestine, notamment :  

  • Les liens entre le colonialisme au Canada et en Palestine.  
  • La lutte contre le racisme anti-palestinien et l’antisémitisme.  
  • Le soutien que les syndicats peuvent fournir dès maintenant pour soutenir une paix juste et durable entre la Palestine et Israël.  

Des membres du SCFP ayant une expérience vécue et des invité(e)s prendront la parole.   

  • Mot de bienvenue de Mark Hancock, président national, et Candace Rennick, secrétaire-trésorière nationale  
  • Ronnie Joy Leah – SCFP 3911  
  • Hind Awwad – SCFP 1281  
  • Terri Monture – Kanien’kehá:ka – Clan du Loup des Six Nations de Grand River – membre retraitée du SCFP   
  • Kimalee Phillip, Service des droits de la personne du SCFP   
  • Modératrice : Lisa Djevahirdjian – Service des communications du SCFP  

Date et heure : le jeudi 16 mai 2024 de 19 h à 20 h 30 (HE)  

S’inscrire ici

Le webinaire se déroulera en anglais et des services d’interprétation en français seront offerts.  

(Il y aura un webinaire en français en juin. Informations à venir!) 

Services d’interprétation en langue des signes 

Sous-titrage en temps réel  

Ce webinaire s’adresse aux membres du SCFP, mais la famille et les ami(e)s sont les bienvenu(e)s!  

Striking York University workers reach tentative deal

Members of CUPE 3903 have been on strike for seven weeks. (Robert Krbavac/CBC)

The union representing striking academic workers at York University said Monday it has reached a tentative deal with the school.

A representative of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 3903 said the tentative agreement was struck Sunday night.

“For the first time in seven weeks, there is a potential deal in sight for workers on the picket lines at York University,” the spokesperson said in an email.

“Workers will now make a decision to accept or reject the offer through a ratification vote by the end of the week. More details on that will be to come.”

Some 3,000 contract instructors, teaching assistants and graduate assistants walked off the job on Feb. 26 after contract negotiations with the university broke down.

Read more here.

CUPE 4207 in Solidarity with CUPE 911 Workers!

CUPE 911 has over 400 members who include Paramedics and Dispatchers.  They are heading into bargaining and they’re calling for better working conditions to better confront the recruitment and retention crisis. They’re seriously understaffed and can’t retain or recruit people.

Locals from across the region came to offer support and rally with Paramedics and Dispatchers from CUPE 911 at White Oaks this morning. Jeff Burch gave a short speech and offered support. It was a chilly and windy morning, but great to see all the support at the rally and from all the cars and trucks driving by!

Group Photo with CUPE 911 and support from other Locals

Jeff Burch, MPP – Offering support to CUPE 911 Workers

CUPE 4207 Supporting CUPE 911- Phil Wachel (President) & Tracy Kennedy (VP Unit 1 Instructors)

CUPE 4156 (DSBN Support Workers) President Sandi Unwin & CUPE 4207 President Phil Wachel