CUPE & Brock celebrate Black History Month

CUPE is hosting some great events to honour Black History Month and are honouring Marjorie Villefranche, a community leader in Montreal’s Haitian community. To learn more click here. Brock is also offering an amazing line up of activities and educational experiences! Every department is involved. Cooking class, movie nights, Learning a Language, Carnival Workshops are all happening after reading week. See the List here in Brock’s interative calendar HERE. You can also sign up at ExperienceBU. Enjoy all these great experiences and get out and meet some new friends.

Take Back the Night 2024

4207 supports the take back the night event. We encourage members to go to the event held tomorrow.

For the past 43 years, the Niagara Sexual Assault Centre (NSAC) has held our Take Back the Night event to raise awareness about gender and sexual violence.  We have seen some changes over the years. Laws have been introduced, safety apps have been created, more people seem willing to talk about the issue.  Unfortunately, this hasn’t resulted in a decrease in violence. Sexual violence is the only crime NOT seeing a decrease. The latest stats show an 18% INCREASE from 2020-2021! Although this information is alarming, we believe education is key.

NSAC wants you join us in our Take Back The Night 2024 which will be held on Thursday, September 19thfrom 6:30-9pm at 91 King St. St. Catharines (Market Square).  There will be Community Speakers, Community Partner Information Tables, Music and a Candle Lit March. If you have any questions, please reach out anytime to Tricia Cosgrove at

International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia, & Biphobia

CUPE 4207’s Pink Triangle Committee is committed to addressing the persistent discrimination, violence, and marginalization faced by 2SLGBTQQIA+ persons worldwide.

With hate crimes and rates of violence towards the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community surging daily, it is time to:

We call upon our allies to stand together with us and help us resist homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia, to offer us support, and to help us heal from the trauma of hatred imposed upon us daily.


Media Resources:

London Police are reporting an increase in anti-LGBTQ hate crimes

Facing calls to act, Canadian lawmakers note ‘rising tide’ of hate and violence against LGBTQ2S+ community

“Everyone should be able to be who they are and love who they love, free from discrimination and hate… But people from the 2SLGBTQI+ community, particularly transgender people, are still facing a crisis of targeted violence in Canada and across the globe,” said Trudeau.

Transgender hate crimes are on the rise even in Canada

Navigating Difficult Conversations for Inclusion and Equity

Brock’s Centre for Pedagogical Innovation (CPI) is offering a Spring workshop: Navigating Difficult Conversations for Inclusion and Equity: Online from May 9th to June 30th

Navigating Difficult Conversations for Inclusion and Equity – Summer 2024 (Asynchronous)

Difficult conversations on challenging topics are often uncomfortable for educators and students. However, having difficult conversations as part of our teaching can help improve critical thinking skills and can assist in fostering a more inclusive educational environment. This workshop explores the potential of engaging students in challenging conversation -we will discuss the importance of multiple perspectives in teaching and pedagogical approaches to challenging topics in the classroom.   

This workshop will take place in Brightspace. 

Open to ALL Brock University Teaching Assistants, Lab Demonstrators, Course Coordinators & Marker-Graders.

Remember that Unit 1 members on contract can receive up to 5 hours of paid CPI training. This workshop counts as one hour of paid training.

Human Trafficking Awareness

Moderated by Dr. Robyn Bourgeois and featuring five panelists. Join us for a discussion on this crucial issue – how to detect the signs, how to report it, and how to support survivors, followed by a Q&A.

Hosted by Hadiya’dagénhahs First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Centre and the Office of the Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement at Brock University.

To Register
Brock students, staff, and faculty, please register via ExperienceBU.
Public registration via Eventbrite.

A link to the virtual event will be sent prior to noon on May 3, 2024