International Day Against Transphobia, Homophobia, & Biphobia

CUPE 4207’s Pink Triangle Committee is committed to addressing the persistent discrimination, violence, and marginalization faced by 2SLGBTQQIA+ persons worldwide.
With hate crimes and rates of violence towards the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community surging daily, it is time to:
We call upon our allies to stand together with us and help us resist homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia, to offer us support, and to help us heal from the trauma of hatred imposed upon us daily.
Media Resources:
London Police are reporting an increase in anti-LGBTQ hate crimes
Facing calls to act, Canadian lawmakers note ‘rising tide’ of hate and violence against LGBTQ2S+ community
“Everyone should be able to be who they are and love who they love, free from discrimination and hate… But people from the 2SLGBTQI+ community, particularly transgender people, are still facing a crisis of targeted violence in Canada and across the globe,” said Trudeau.
Transgender hate crimes are on the rise even in Canada
Workers in Solidarity with Palestine

Teach-in: Workers in solidarity with Palestine
Join CUPE to learn how the Canadian labour movement can work in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
Our webinar will address questions about the Palestinian struggle for liberation including:
- The connections between settler colonialism in Canada and Palestine
- The fight against anti-Palestinian racism and antisemitism
- How trade unions can support a just and lasting peace in Palestine-Israel right now
We will hear from CUPE members with lived experience of the issues and invited guests.
- Welcome from Mark Hancock, National President, and Candace Rennick, National Secretary-Treasurer
- Ronnie Joy Leah, CUPE 3911
- Hind Awwad, CUPE 1281
- Terri Monture, Kanien’kehá:ka Wolf Clan from Six Nations of the Grand River Retired CUPE member
- Kimalee Phillip, CUPE Human Rights
- Moderated by Lisa Djevahirdjian, SCFP communication staff
When: Thursday, May 16 at 7:00 to 8:30 pm (EDT)
The webinar will be conducted in English with simultaneous French interpretation.
(We will be hosting a French language webinar in June. Stay tuned for more information!)
ASL interpretation provided
Live captioning provided
This webinar is directed at CUPE members but family and friends are welcomed to join!

Webinaire : Faire preuve de solidarité envers la Palestine
Joignez-vous au SCFP pour apprendre comment le mouvement syndical canadien peut se montrer solidaire du peuple palestinien.
Notre webinaire portera sur différentes questions liées à la lutte pour la libération de la Palestine, notamment :
- Les liens entre le colonialisme au Canada et en Palestine.
- La lutte contre le racisme anti-palestinien et l’antisémitisme.
- Le soutien que les syndicats peuvent fournir dès maintenant pour soutenir une paix juste et durable entre la Palestine et Israël.
Des membres du SCFP ayant une expérience vécue et des invité(e)s prendront la parole.
- Mot de bienvenue de Mark Hancock, président national, et Candace Rennick, secrétaire-trésorière nationale
- Ronnie Joy Leah – SCFP 3911
- Hind Awwad – SCFP 1281
- Terri Monture – Kanien’kehá:ka – Clan du Loup des Six Nations de Grand River – membre retraitée du SCFP
- Kimalee Phillip, Service des droits de la personne du SCFP
- Modératrice : Lisa Djevahirdjian – Service des communications du SCFP
Date et heure : le jeudi 16 mai 2024 de 19 h à 20 h 30 (HE)
Le webinaire se déroulera en anglais et des services d’interprétation en français seront offerts.
(Il y aura un webinaire en français en juin. Informations à venir!)
Services d’interprétation en langue des signes
Sous-titrage en temps réel
Ce webinaire s’adresse aux membres du SCFP, mais la famille et les ami(e)s sont les bienvenu(e)s!
Rally for Clinical Nursing Instructors

Clinical Nursing Instructors are Unit 4 of CUPE 4207. They are negotiating their first collective agreement and will be in a third conciliation on May 28th.
Brock University refuses to bring their pay to the provincial average. Their pay grid hasn’t changed in 12 years!
Come to support the indispensable educators in health care. Ontario needs more nurses, and nursing students need Clinical Nursing Instructors! A fair settlement will avoid a strike!
There will be FREE refreshments featuring a barbecue with vegan options as well!
What exactly do Clinical Nursing Instructors do?
CNIs liaise with hospital staff and management and liaise with faculty to deliver faculty developed curriculum and structure for each course. CNIs liaise with hospital staff and management. They meet with faculty at regular intervals and more frequently with students at risk.
They provide INSTRUCTION:
The CNIs are responsible for providing effective instruction and assessment during clinical practice to students and where there are knowledge gaps we are responsible for creating success plans in conjunction with faculty. CNIs assign pass/fail grades to students and grade journal reflections, learning plans, patient care assignment sheets and provide formative and summative midterm/final evaluations.
CNIs orientate students to hospital policies and protocols and ensure they are followed by the student.
They provide STUDENT CARE:
CNIs attend to the emotional needs of student including mental health needs and accommodate students in conjunction with SAS at the University.
CNIs debrief students after dealing with ethical dilemmas observed in clinical settings or after witnessing upsetting experiences like a death.
CNIs fill out incident reports after incidents occur during clinical hours.
We also prepare and deliver post conference sessions for students after their clinical day to debrief as a group.
The CNIs provide practical instruction to give students on-the job training and experience in hospital settings They are the primary source of communication with the student during their clinical placement. Most CNIs supervise a group of up to 8 students in the hospital setting while caring for patients. The group is assigned by the hospital to a specific unit.
CNIs help students assess patients and take vital signs, directly supervise students while performing procedures. CNIs are side by side students administering medications and ensure the safety of the student and patient at all times.
Navigating Difficult Conversations for Inclusion and Equity
Brock’s Centre for Pedagogical Innovation (CPI) is offering a Spring workshop: Navigating Difficult Conversations for Inclusion and Equity: Online from May 9th to June 30th

Navigating Difficult Conversations for Inclusion and Equity – Summer 2024 (Asynchronous)
Difficult conversations on challenging topics are often uncomfortable for educators and students. However, having difficult conversations as part of our teaching can help improve critical thinking skills and can assist in fostering a more inclusive educational environment. This workshop explores the potential of engaging students in challenging conversation -we will discuss the importance of multiple perspectives in teaching and pedagogical approaches to challenging topics in the classroom.
This workshop will take place in Brightspace.
Open to ALL Brock University Teaching Assistants, Lab Demonstrators, Course Coordinators & Marker-Graders.
Remember that Unit 1 members on contract can receive up to 5 hours of paid CPI training. This workshop counts as one hour of paid training.
Congrats to the New Executive Committee!
Here is your New Executive Committee for 2024-2025!
Position | Name | |
President | Phil Wachel | president@cupe4207.org |
VP Unit 1 | Sarah Pierson | vpunit1@cupe4207.org |
VP Graduate Students | Ben Johnson | vpgradstudent@cupe4207.org |
VP Unit 1 Instructors | Elizabeth D’Angelo | vp1instructors@cupe4207.org |
VP Unit 2/3 | Georgina Keller | vpesl@cupe4207.org |
VP Unit 4 | Rebecca LaRocca | vpunit4@cupe4207.org |
Lead Steward Unit 1 | Brigitte Cecckin | leadunit1@cupe4207.org |
Lead Steward Unit 2/3 | Donna Pearce | leadesl@cupe4207.org |
Lead Steward Unit 4 | Kate Hannigan | leadunit4@cupe4207.org |
Recording Secretary | Karen Hofman | recordingsecretary@cupe4207.org |
Treasurer | Darrin Sunstrum | treasurer@cupe4207.org |
Membership Outreach Officer | Dan Barnowski | outreach@cupe4207.org |
Equity Officer | Nwakerendu Waboso (K) | equity@cupe4207.org |
Health & Safety Officer | Mikko Kivisto | healthandsafety@cupe4207.org |
Trustee 2025 – Melissa St. Germaine-Small
Bargaining research Committee: Melissa St. Germaine-Small & Gloria Leahy
NDCC Delegates:
Jessica Srivastava
Abraham Begyina
Tracy Kennedy
Melissa St. Germaine-Small
Adwoa Owusu (Nana)
Michael Eshun
May 1 is workers’ holiday all around the world.
Here is a little bit of a background https://internationalworkersday.org/
And here are the events organized thanks to sponsorship and participation from Justice for Workers Niagara, Unifor 199, the Unifor Niagara Area Retired Workers Council, CUPE 4207, OPIRG Brock, Niagara Reproductive Justice, Niagara Health Coalition, Niagara District CUPE Council, CUPE 2977, and the Niagara Regional Labour Council.

Rally Against Privatized Healthcare
A rally against privatized healthcare at MPP Sam Oosterhoff’s office, and our evening event will feature live music performances and a community tabling fair! Workers, celebrate our achievements, and demand better labour conditions for all!
11:30am to 1:00pm
MPP Oosterhoff’s Office: 4961 King Street, Beamsville, ON

Workers’ Gathering
5:30pm to 9:30pm
Unifor Retiree Hall: 124 Bunting Road, St. Catharines, ON
Featuring community tabling and music performances by Gravely James (7:30pm) and The Feverish Lemons duo (8:30pm).
We hope to see many of you there!
Upcoming Online CUPE Education Opportunities
The following CUPE workshops are being offered online. You can register for one of them or
both of them. Registration is free!
Introduction to CUPE (online)
May 10 from 9:00 – noon (Mountain time) / 7:00 am – 10:00 am (Eastern standard time)
Information and Registration is here: https://cupe.ca/mrm-union-education/event/7607
Anti-Harassment and Bystander Training (online)
May 10 from 1:00 – 4:00 (Mountain time) / 11:00 am – 2:00 pm (Eastern standard time)
Information and Registration here: https://cupe.ca/mrm-union-education/event/7606CategoriesUncategorized