Unit 1 Bargaining

Who is on the Bargaining Research Committee?

TBA in May 2024. If you’d like to reach out to the BRC, you can email the team:  brc@cupe4207.org 

Who is on the Bargaining Committee?

The Unit 1 Nominations for Election for the next Bargaining Committee will be announced in Sept 2024.

How does the Collective Bargaining Process Work? What are the steps involved?
Here is a chronological overview of the steps in the collective bargaining process:
Step 1: Preliminary Consultation & Research
Step 2: Election of the Bargaining Committee & Bargaining Support Committee
Step 3: The Bargaining Survey
Step 4: Serving the Employer with a Notice to Bargain
Step 5: Formulation of Bargaining Priorities
Step 6: Bargaining with Employer (This step can be very long)
Step 7: The Strike Mandate Vote
Step 8: Conciliation/Mediation
Step 9: Job Action (Strike or Lockout)

What is a Collective Agreement?

A collective agreement is a written contract of employment covering a group of employees who are represented by a trade union. This agreement contains provisions governing the terms and conditions of employment. It also contains the rights, privileges and duties of the employer (Brock), the trade union (CUPE 4207) and the employees (ie: Unit 1= Instructors, TAs, Graders, Lab Demonstrators).

What does Collective Bargaining mean?
Collective bargaining is a process where the local and management come together (typically every 2-3 years) to renegotiate the terms and rules of work as laid out in the collective agreement. The over-arching timeline, and certain ground rules for negotiations, are set out by the province in the Labour Relations Act.

What is a Bargaining Committee?
The bargaining committee (or the “bargaining team”) is made up of members who are elected at a general membership meeting and are assisted by staff and executive members (the number of members depends on the Unit. Unit 1 = four; Unit 2= three). They are the union’s representatives at the bargaining table and develop members’ demands into bargaining proposals that the union will bring forward into negotiations.

What is a Bargaining Survey?
The bargaining survey is a digital questionnaire sent to all members of the bargaining unit via email. It asks the members of that unit about their work experiences and the workplace issues that matter most to them. The results of the survey have the single largest impact on the formation of the bargaining proposals, the things the local hopes to win in this round of bargaining. The survey results are the voice of the membership.