Unit 1 Benefits Plan

WELCOME to the CUPE LOCAL 4207 Health & Dental Plan!

On behalf of the Benefits Committee members, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of the plan.

One method of submitting claims is to mail the General Submission form with the appropriate receipt(s) to GreenShield. Download the fillable PDF here: Greenshield Canada General Submission Form


As a result of the latest contract negotiations, and as voted at the recent CUPE 4207 GMM meeting, if you work at least 240 hours in a semester, premiums for Single coverage of $43.20/pay will be automatically deducted from the last 5 pays of the semester.

We’re always available to answer your questions. For further assistance, please contact us at Brockenroll@canben.com.

If you already have coverage through your spouse or another employer, simply provide us with proof of coverage, and you will be opted out of the plan. 

Click HERE for Frequently Asked Questions document that will help answer some questions

The Winter semester benefit plan runs from February 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024.

CUPE 4207 Benefits Committee for 2023/24:

Brian Deruiter (Chair)
Phil Wachel
Darrin Sunstrum
Tracy Kennedy
Susan Down

Please feel free to reach out to the Benefits Committee if you have any questions: info@cupe4207.org

Some background on 4207 health benefits

A health benefit plan has become available in the Fall 2017 for Unit 1 members who are not graduate students. The benefits plan was negotiated for the latest Unit 1 collective agreement. Finally, since 1998 when our local was certified, the TAs, instructors, lab demonstrators, marker/graders and course coordinators who are not graduate students achieved some modest form of real health benefits. It is a good start!