Get Involved – Become a Department Steward!

Interested in getting more involved in your union? Why not become a Department Steward? As per our Bylaws:

8.2 Duties of Stewards
(a) Departmental Stewards shall:
i. Recruit and organize members in their departments and encourage them to become active in the Local.
ii. Act as representatives of the Local to the employees in their departments.
iii. Serve as the liaison between the members they represent and the Lead Steward, and, where applicable, the Faculty Steward and Vice-Presidents.
iv. Advise the members of the departments with regard to matters involving the Collective Agreement.
v. Organize the members to attend GMMs and other Local events.
vi. Distribute information of the Local.
vii. Attend, once per term, a Stewards Council meeting to report on any issues and findings from their work in the departments.
viii. Where appropriate, process the grievances of the members in their departments and represent their members in grievance meetings.
ix. Submit monthly written reports to the Stewards’ Council to report on their activities since the previous meeting. Stewards must submit reports to at least 50% of the Stewards’ Council meetings called to receive out of pocket expenses.

Contact Unit 1 Lead Steward – Brigitte Cecckin if you are interested in learning more: