Unit 4 Bargaining Update – Second Day of Conciliation

Unit 4 Bargaining Update
Second Day of Conciliation: April 5, 2024

All in all, the two days of Conciliation were productive ones. By the end of
the second day, all of the outstanding articles have been agreed to except for the
wage settlement. This included agreement on Definitions, Job Postings &
Appointments, Leaves of Absence, Schedule & Workload, and a Letter of
Understanding on a Call-In List.

At 5:00 pm, the union presented a proposal on wages that the Employer
needs to cost out before being able to respond. For that reason, the parties have
agreed to extend Conciliation with a third date. The union proposed an extremely
reasonable offer that would recognize payment in nominal hours.
Conciliators have very busy schedules and limited availability. The third
Conciliation will likely happen at the beginning of May.

In Solidarity,
Phil Wachel, CUPE 4207 President